🎮Premium Features

R2E Leaderboards

Premium grants access to historical data on community engagement. Users can view leaderboards displaying Weekly and All-Time R2E Stats by entering "/leaderboard" in the channel with the R2E Bot.

Leaderboards offer a unique opportunity for projects to track their most dedicated members, issue rewards, and host raid-oriented competitions.

Raid Cooldowns

In Freemium, channels are subject to 30 minute raid cooldowns, which prevent admins from posting raids for half an hour after raids expire. In Premium this cooldown period is reduced to 15 minutes, allowing Premium communities to raid posts twice as often as Freemium.

Reply Counting

In accordance with the Twitter algorithm, replies are the most highly weighted set of metrics and therefore are crucial in increasing exposure. This has been accounted for in R2E Stat weightings, with replies granting the highest R2E rewards.

The Freemium version of the Raid Suite still allows channel admins to set targets for replies, however replies are not recorded under user R2E Stats, Premium adds this to the Suite itinerary.

Furthermore, the Premium Raid Suite will include the NLP Sentiment Analysis tool for rewarding quality replies, more details on this feature can be found under the AI Solution subheading in Raid Etiquette.

Airdrop Fees

The fixed airdrop fee in Premium is reduced to 2.5% compared to 5% in Freemium.

Duplicate Tweets

Currently under development, is the feature that enables admins to post the same raid tweet more than once. This is essential for international communities that span different timezones, since raiding the same tweet at different times is vital for boosting global engagement.

Last updated