⚔️Set Raids

In order to start raids, the Raid Bot must be a group admin. Raid-related commands are only accessible to admins.

Raid Parameters

Any group moderator can start a raid by entering /tweet. The Raid Bot will then prompt them to post a Twitter URL, as illustrated below.

In the Freemium version of the Suite, duplicate URLs are disabled, but can be unlocked as a Premium feature.

Posting a valid URL will then further prompt them to successively set goals for 'likes', 'retweets' and 'replies' in this order.

Goals are set by posting a number below each prompt. Currently likes and retweets are capped at 200, and replies at 120.

When setting parameters, it is important to account for pre-existing engagements on the tweet, as these will be counted by the Raid Bot. For example, if a tweet already has 10 likes, and the admin aims to boost this engagement by 30, then they should enter 40 as the target number of likes.

The stage can be cancelled at any time by typing "cancel" in the chat (no forward slash).

Raid Loop

Raids start with the Raid Bot locking the chat from talking until the engagement gaols are met.

The Raid Bot will post and pin a link to the raid with progress updates every 30 seconds.

Following the URL and engaging with the raid tweet during this cycle will contribute to a users R2E stats.

The chat unlocks when the raid is complete with the Raid Bot posting overall engagements and the raid duration. If the engagements exceed the target numbers these will still be counted as R2E Stats until the Raid Bot unlocks the chat as shown above.

If the goals are not met, the Raid Bot will automatically unlock the chat after 30 minutes.

The raid can be cancelled at any time during this loop by typing /cancel however R2E stats from cancelled raids will not be counted. To enable chat whilst the raid is active without cancelling the raid enter /unlock.

Raid Cooldowns

Raids can only be set every 30 minutes in Freemium and every 15 minutes in Premium with cooldowns starting when a raid ends. More information on this can be found under Premium Features.

Last updated