💰$KIT Ecosystem

Kitsune is sustained by its own native SPL token "$KIT".

The $KIT ecosystem has been modelled for sustainability and growth, enabling Kitsune to effectively support its own elite raider community, cover operational expenditures, and nurture further expansion.

Airdrop Fee

There is a fee applied on every airdrop that automatically sends a fixed percentage of the allocated tokens to a Kitsune owned wallet address.

This fee is 5% in the Freemium version, and 2.5% in Premium.

Tokens collected from this fee is used to support the $KIT ecosystem in accordance with the flow diagram below.

The Community Pool

95% of tokens purchased in buybacks are channeled directly back to the Kitsune Community Pool to be airdropped on a daily basis to raiders in the Kitsune Telegram.

The remaining 5% are sent to a burn wallet address as a method of reducing the total supply and inflate the price per token.

Last updated